Low Back Pain Treatments

Unfortunately, lower back pain is a common condition and can affect pretty much anyone. However, older folks, athletes, and people with physically demanding jobs or lifestyles may be at more risk. The good news is that if you live in or near Taylor, TX, and need assistance with low back pain you can come see Dr. Sean Seivert and his team at Atlas Natural Medicine.

The Many Causes of Low Back Pain

Right off the bat, it's important to acknowledge that each patient will have their own unique experience. What is causing one person's back pain may be totally different from another person's back aches. That said, some causes are rather common, including

  • An injury from an auto accident
  • Sports injuries
  • Furniture with bad ergonomics
  • Overexertion and stress
  • Shoes that offer poor support
  • Hereditary factors
  • Disc injuries
  • Bad posture

Of course, this list isn't exhaustive. If you want to pin down the causes of your pains, it's smart to work with a chiropractor. You'll sometimes hear chiropractors referred to as back doctors. While many work with other parts of the body, the back is indeed a focus. If you live in the vicinity of Taylor, Texas, and need help with low back pain, come see Dr. Seivert. He can help you pin down the root causes of your aches and from there a treatment plan can be drawn up.

Addressing Back Pain

Treatment may vary depending on the causes of your pains. However, chiropractic care often starts with spinal manipulation and massage therapy. The first treatment is used to restore your spine to proper alignment. The latter treatment, massage therapy, is used to reduce muscle tension.

If your walking posture or shoes are contributing to pain in the lower back (which is common), custom orthotics can provide increased support. Lifestyle adjustments, new furniture, infrared therapy, and various other approaches to care can also help. Often, it's best to use a multi-pronged approach. Crucially, chiropractic care doesn't rely on pain medication, although you can still use such medication as recommended by your physician.

A chiropractor can act as a guide, but you participate in your own healing. Dr. Seivert can teach you a variety of exercises that you can perform at home to reduce muscle tension. This could help you strengthen your back and reduce pain. Call 512 352 1300 to get in touch with Dr. Seivert at Atlas Natural Medicine. He has helped countless local residents secure low back pain relief in Taylor, TX.

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