Pinched Nerve Treatments

Consult Dr. Sean Seivert of Atlas Natural Medicine if you need expert treatment for a pinched nerve in Taylor, TX.

What Is a Pinched Nerve?

The various nerves running throughout the body coordinate essential functions such as regulating your heart rate, sensing stimuli, and moving different parts of your body. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of our nerves. Unfortunately, they are quite vulnerable to injury.

Misalignments in your musculoskeletal system can put your nerves at risk. A herniated disc can compress your nerves and render them incapable of functioning normally. Bone spurs that develop due to arthritis can also damage nerves, as can swelling.

The conditions we know as sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome are variations of pinched nerves. Anyone with those conditions can tell you how difficult they can be to live with.

Pinched nerves are often accompanied by chronic pain. The pain you’re experiencing may also affect different body parts situated along the nerve pathway. You may also experience numbness and tingling sensations near the parts of your body with the compressed nerves. Even some of your muscles may feel weaker.

It’s also worth noting that the symptoms of a pinched nerve can worsen the longer you wait to act. If your sciatic nerve has sustained significant damage, you may have trouble controlling your bowel and bladder functions.

Don’t let compressed nerves ruin your quality of life. Reach out to Dr. Seivert of Atlas Natural Medicine and receive effective treatment for your pinched nerve in Taylor, TX.

What Pinched Nerve Treatments Can Your Chiropractor Provide?

Chiropractic adjustments are among the treatment solutions that work best for pinched nerves. Since nerve pain is often caused by displaced parts of the spine pressing on your nerves, realigning them can alleviate your symptoms. The specific adjustments performed by Dr. Seivert can reposition the misaligned components of your musculoskeletal system and prevent them from causing further damage.

The underlying causes of pinched nerves can also affect other parts of the body. Our office offers additional treatments such as dry hydrotherapy and spinal decompression so you can enjoy a full recovery.

Regular chiropractic treatment can also keep your musculoskeletal system aligned and prevent the occurrence of more nerve damage.

Call 512-352-1300 and speak to Dr. Seivert of Atlas Natural Medicine today.

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